Ring Container Technologies, a leader in the plastic container manufacturing industry, today announced its collaboration with Conagra Brands, Inc. on a new bottle for Hunt’s Ketchup. The packaging, which is the first commercial product manufactured using BarrierGuard OxygenSmart, is now available on store shelves.
Announcing BarrierGuard™, customizable, breakthrough technology
Ring Container Technologies has announced the launch of its patent-pending, proprietary technology, BarrierGuard. The company is disrupting the traditional balance of protection and value with the initial application of this technology, BarrierGuard OxygenSmart.
Get Smart with Your Packaging
Over the years, packaging industry professionals have become more interested in the future of smart packaging. Read more on the future of smart packaging.
To Sustainable Packaging & Beyond
With consumers all over the world becoming more environmentally conscious and proactive, retailers and suppliers everywhere are feeling the need to produce more products with sustainable packaging. Read more about this topic here.